Published: Jun 18, 2020

Are you thinking about changing your job? See how to rebranch

Changing jobs

Nowadays, the decision to change jobs or industries is not that surprising compared to the 1990s. Working in the same company for the next 10 years or finding a passion and turning it into a profession? When analyzing the labor market of the past few years, an average of about a quarter of the population thinks about changing jobs every six months. Learn how to change your job effectively.

changing job

Without taking into account the fact that we are increasingly thinking about changing jobs or the industry, it is still a serious decision that is worth considering. It is best to create a list with the advantages and disadvantages of your current job and your current position.

It’s worth changing the industry if:

  • There is a lack of motivation and willingness to work
  • Work becomes routine
  • Your current job seems to be wasting time
  • The salary is not relevant to your skills
  • We look jealous of our employees
  • We feel a lack of professional development
  • Work stops being a passion

How do I change the industry?

As already mentioned, employees make the decision to continue their education. In this situation, however, the same mistake is often made – submitting a termination before carefully considering the future. It is worth changing the industry while you are still in your current position.

First, acquiring new skills takes time and often costs. In addition, working in a new profession will not immediately be highly profitable. It should be noted that years of experience or high positions in the previous industry will no longer play such an important role. The change of industry is often a fresh start.

Master the new industry – step by step

  1. Analysis of your previous career. It is worth to know what position we worked well in, what kind of work is most enjoyable. We can often choose tasks from the entire area of ​​responsibility that we always enjoy doing. And that could prove to be the key to choosing a new industry.
  2. Labor market analysis. It is also worth checking trends and market demand (e.g. future professions). For example, there is still a shortage of IT specialists. Perhaps it is worth considering this direction.
  3. Analysis of your own needs. Work only becomes a passion when most of our own needs are met.
  4. Use of acquired skills / qualifications. It is worth looking at industries in which we can use the skills we have acquired despite the change. Such practice will make the industry change process more efficient.
  5. New qualifications. The industry will not change without new knowledge. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a bachelor’s or master’s degree. It is often sufficient to take courses, enroll in a post-secondary school or do postgraduate studies.

Changing job

6. Looking for a new job. If there is someone in your area who works in the industry that you are interested in, it is worth asking about the advantages and disadvantages of this job and what you should look for in mastering this profession. If we have the opportunity, it is also good to do an internship in a new industry. Then we can best judge whether we can find our way in the new profession.

7. Change of branch without changing employer. The job market is still largely employee-oriented. The employer will definitely try to keep a valuable team member. If possible, talk to your manager about changing positions / departments.

8. For a moment forget about self-criticism. Any change is a challenge, and fear of the unknown is natural. It is better to think about what will happen when this fear is ove6r.

9. Changing industries is a complex process and, above all, a challenge. With such a change, you also have to take into account the risk that a new profession will not immediately become a passion. However, experts predict that changes in the qualifications of workers in the labor market will only gain popularity in the coming years.

Are you thinking about changing industries?

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